Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Singing to learn

Trying to learn a new language, 
Taking baby steps.
Revisiting what I already know from courses taken decades ago.
Reflecting on what has stuck with me. 
A song that I learned long ago, 
Porque te quiero, 
I can still sing it with gusto. 
Learning through song, 
That's the ticket. 
Singing to learn. 
Singing my heart out to nursery rhymes and children's songs 
And happily smiling as I make my way down the road. 

Saturday, April 9, 2016

National Poetry Month Musings

It started with a Twitter conversation,
and has not yet ended.
The topic National Poetry Month.
"What do you do with your students to celebrate NPM?" posed the moderator. 

As a teacher and a learner,
a more appropriate question-
"What do you do as a learner to celebrate NPM?" 

explore and 
take a risk-
pull it apart, 
take it apart, 
bring bits together, 
reflect some more, 
write some more, 
tie it together.
Take another risk
and hit publish. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Over the past several days, 
there have been changes, 
at home, 
at work, 
and places in between. 

As I process what these changes will bring-
uncertain, uncomfortable, unending, 
I was comforted by a mantra shared tonight-

constant and yet evolve.
A beacon and a traveler
A driver and a passenger.
The best version of oneself.