Tuesday, February 5, 2019

I'll Always say Yes to...

Things with an answer of yes.

A cup of Rooibos tea
Coconut donuts, peanut butter cookies
Crabs, beer 
Watching Survivor
Holding a baby
Book recommendations
Hush puppies with honey

The list is inspired by the work of Kelly Corrigan.

Monday, February 4, 2019


Pop's words of wisdom
still manage 
to echo softly.
Life lessons- 
It's not about you. 
Treat others as family. 
Live lovingly, 
which also extends 
 to work lovingly. 
Grateful for his words 

Sunday, February 3, 2019


Forever grateful for 
Having had the gift of my mom.
Thirty one years since.
I have lived longer without my mom, 
than with. 
But oh, how she formed me, 
And continues to influence me.
I see her in my hands, 
my interactions with others,
in the mirror, 
in my children, 
she continues to live on. 

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Tell Me More

"Tell me more."

Spilling why they were upset,
with tears and 
strings of emotion laden words.  
"Tell me more."

Continuing the story, 
tears stopping 
breath slowing 
hands relaxing. 
"Tell me more."

And then, 
an additional detail.
"Tell me more." 

Big breath in, 
"That's all." 

"Are you ready to head back and try again?"
Nodding head. 

I am currently reading Tell Me More: Stories About the 12 Hardest Things I Am Learning to Say by Kelly Corrigan.  I had the opportunity to practice "Tell me more" with a student who was upset, and it worked.  Initially the telling involved words between tears. Each time there was a pause, I responded with "Tell me more."  The tears dried up; calmness blanketed the student, which supported his transition back into the class. 

Friday, February 1, 2019


"Trust is the on-ramp to learning" 
thinking on my past and present learning experiences, 
When the foundation of trust, 
the building block of relationships,
the safety net, 
the guardrail, 
has been present, 
merging onto the highway 
of learning is easier.
I know that wherever I am going, 
I have a guide, 
who will keep me safely on the highway 
of becoming the best version of myself.

I was listening to a video on Culturally Responsive Teaching by Zaretta Hammond.  "Trust is the on-ramp to learning" continues to ring in my ears.