Thursday, March 31, 2016

In Search Of (ISO)

Inspired by other slicers, I am using the titles of my March posts to create a poem, 
Looking for a pattern, 
A theme, 
A message, 
Here goes...

Once upon a time, 
Mother & Daughter and the race against time.
Birthday girl
"Find your calling" 
(A) Path
(Is) Patiently waiting.
Traveling ideas
(From) Casual conversations. 
Slowing down. (Listen) 
Measuring life.
(Practice) Gentle Yoga. 
(Write) Artist's statement. 
(Cherish) Book(s) love

Spring ahead (be present)
March Madness
First day of Spring
Promises of Spring break
Cherry blossoms
Windswept hair
Bridesmaid dress
Friday nights
Sleepy slice
Puzzle (wonder)
Saying no (assert) 
Coconut cream pie ice cream (indulge)
Gender colors
Holiday clean up
Audience (family) 

Grateful for the opportunity to share my writing with a wider audience than just myself.  I have been inspired by the posts of others and will continue to write. 


  1. Great slice! I love that you will be writing more!

  2. This is a great poem! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love how your honored the titles of all of your slices in this poem! The rhythm of the second stanza with all the two word lines was so fun to read!
