Thursday, March 10, 2016

Book(s) Love

The Gifts of Imperfection
led me to 
I Thought It Was Just Me 
which now is leading me to
Daring Greatly.

Books become a part of your being.
Grateful for having been introduced
to the work of Brene Brown 
for I have work to do. 


  1. My favorite line is the first--The Gifts of Imperfection--we so seldom think of it that way. Now I'll have to check out Brene Brown

  2. Like Deb, I will have to check it out!

  3. Daring Greatly led me to Rising Strong! Such great work by Brene Brown!

  4. I was first introduced to her TED talk, great fun. Loving Daring Greatly!

  5. Books become a part of your being - such a true statement. I requested one of her books from the library, but didn't get it read and of course there is a long wait list. Time to request again.
