Sunday, March 22, 2015

Edcamp addiction

Edcamps intrigue me.  I had heard about them on twitter, and finally saw one that fit with my schedule and location.  My first edcamp experience was a little over a month ago- EdcampMD.  The energy level    was electrifying.  So many passionate educators in one place wanting to share and learn from each other.  The day flew by as I entered into conversations about a myriad of topics.  I left that day with ideas I wanted to try, and ideas to wrestle with, plus I won an interactive whiteboard. 

 Yesterday I attended my second EDcamp.  And again I was energized by a different group of educators.  I learned and explored Epic, and have already passed it on to my principal, who wants every teacher in the primary classrooms to use it to augment their physical classroom libraries.  My biggest takeaway was blogging in the classroom- an educator shared her journey with it, and how the students' writing has improved greatly.  Now that I am in the habit of personally blogging (thanks to the slice of life), I want to explore blogging with my students.  I am now researching which platform will fit my needs- Edublogs or Kidblog.  And again, I won a raffle prize.  

Today, I signed up for another Edcamp.  One of my goals is to bring a colleague with me to share the experience with.  Another incidental goal is to see if I can continue my streak of winning a door prize. 


  1. Winning door prizes is awesome! Learning is even better! I was reading about EDcamps. I want to see if there are some going on in my area. Thanks, and congrats on the winnings! Jennifer Sniadecki

  2. Wow, I need to figure out a way to see if EdCamps are in my area! So happy you found so much inspiration!

    1. Go to for a list of upcoming Edcamps.

  3. I'm so jealous! I want to go to an Edcamp so badly, but it never works with my schedule. Great that you're learning so many amazing ideas!

  4. Thank you for sharing your PL with Edcamps. Like the other commenters, I want to attend one as well. Congrats, you should play the lotto :)

  5. Thank you for sharing your PL with Edcamps. Like the other commenters, I want to attend one as well. Congrats, you should play the lotto :)
