Saturday, March 21, 2015


Been a writer.
Journals tucked away, 
Piled on bookshelves,
Slips of paper sticking out from books. 

Now a writer
Using both familiar and unfamiliar tools. 
Journal in backpack, along with iPad. 
At times, the pen is the go to, 
Sometimes, the keyboard wins. 
It just depends. 

At edcamp today,
my view of blogs is expanded. 
Who is my audience? 
What is my niche? 
What is my brand? 

Thoughts bang around, 
Pushing, stretching, and pulling. 
This much I know...
I have always been a writer...for me.
And at this moment...
it is the right thing 
for me. 


  1. I love the tension in this piece between writing for self and writing for others - echoed even with choice of writing tool!

  2. I struggle with sharing my writing.

  3. I hope we even hear more about edcamp. I really am not doing any writing long hand these days. xo

  4. I hope we even hear more about edcamp. I really am not doing any writing long hand these days. xo

  5. I'm with Nanc--hardly ever write with a pen these days, although I may try it for a month after the challenge. Hope you liked Edcamp!

  6. I'm with Nanc--hardly ever write with a pen these days, although I may try it for a month after the challenge. Hope you liked Edcamp!

  7. I'm with Nanc--hardly ever write with a pen these days, although I may try it for a month after the challenge. Hope you liked Edcamp!

  8. I love the edcamp movement and how it sprouts everywhere these days. Many years ago I kept private journals to sort through growing up. Then for years I thought and observed like a writer but never wrote. Then in 2012 I started writing and sharing during this March challenge. Sharing my thoughts in a supportive environment has been fabulous. I have made some great friends and learned so much not just by writing but by reading their work and commenting. Happy writing journey!

  9. I love how full of ideas my head is after edcamp. Your processing of your thoughts is so clearly laid out here! I love it that you clearly defined your writing for yourself. I love my iPad but I still feel more comfortable with paper and pens for now.

  10. I'm glad you overcame your struggle to share this writing! Your words are a gift, and I hope you continue to allow others to enjoy your gift as well.

  11. Edcamp can be overwhelming! So many ideas, so many things to try. I go between writing longhand and keyboarding, too. They are different experiences, but sometimes one or the other just seems right. Keep writing and sharing!

  12. So much depends on this moment and audience. I write across tools and spaces too. I bet that was an interesting conversation at Edcamp--so rich that learning (and writing).
