Thursday, January 31, 2019

Find your stillness

Find your stillness.

On this frigid morning, 
overheated at hot yoga,
the instructor keeps going back to this phrase.
Find your stillness. 

And as I make my way through the poses, 
the words keep coming, 
Find your stillness. 

And as my mind starts wandering, 
the words take root.
Find your stillness.


Be present. 


Wednesday, January 30, 2019


try to understand a different perspective. 


remember your mission.


plan next steps. 


Repeat as necessary. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Listening or reading a book
or loudly announce 
their entrance into the
consciousness of the brain
or the soul of the heart. 
Today the words were 
"Things that seem hard to do, often dissolve when you do them" 
Thank you Sarah Ban Breathnach. 

Monday, January 28, 2019


Writing for myself, 
am able to give myself over to it. 

Writing for an instructor, 
agonizing over every word and  punctuation mark, 
wrestling with the format and the content, 
it consumes me with a feeling of inadequacy.
Yet I need to give myself over to the process, 
knowing that growth comes through struggles. 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Hurry part 2

And in the hurriedness of daily life, 
Things get forgotten and dropped.

Friday, January 25, 2019


Always in such a hurry to get from point A to point B.
And when we have a complaint always in a hurry to let someone know.  
Yet, when we have a compliment, an acknowledgement of a job well done,
We say we are going to let someone know, but often it gets put at the bottom of our list. 
Today the salesperson at the auto parts store went out of his way to make me feel like I had his full attention and provided excellent service.  I thought to myself that I needed to write a note expressing my gratitude.  So instead of it being put at the bottom of the list, It was put at the top, because kindness and gratitude grows. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Food for Thought

My significant moment for today occurred at the end of the lunch shift. There she sat with a grumpy face and a mad posture.  The small amount of food that was in the lunch box was old and stale. 
Having not eaten, she was hungry. Yet it was time to return to class. As her class returned to the classroom, we went in search of food in the teacher's lounge.  In ten minutes time, she ate and talked. The grumpiness left.  Having enough to eat and someone to talk to brought peace.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Listening for understanding

As the story is poured out, 
for in that moment holds the storyteller's truth.
Breath and understand that a reply is not always needed. 
Let the understanding sink in. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Pick one

The instructor's words have been ringing in my ears since class.
"Pick one." 
The intricacies of each pose, 
falling out, 
deciding this is the one that will never be my favorite. 
"Pick one of your least favorite as a focus for your practice for the year." 
Change your perspective. 
"This is the pose in which I will have the most growth."
Acknowledge where you are. 
"Listen carefully. Be open to growth." 

The words continue to ring outside the yoga studio. 
"Pick one." 
Twenty two days ago I picked my one word 
Now it's time to focus on the area in which preparation is a challenge. 
"This is the area which holds the greatest potential for growth."
Acknowledge where I am- overwhelmed with maintenance. 
"Listen carefully. Be open to growth."

Monday, January 21, 2019


Listening to the audiobook
the question woke me.
Turning off the audiobook
repeating it over and over
"If I were moving
instead of cleaning
would I take it with me?"

Cleaning and simplifying
now with another criteria from which to evaluate.
Moving to the next level in wrestling with objects. 

The audiobook that I am listening to is Peace and Plenty by Sarah Ban Breathnach. 

Sunday, January 20, 2019


a connection, 
a bridge, 
to passions, 
to ideals.

your successes 
and your struggles
in your stories.

Capture the stories.
Think, what am I supposed to pull from it?
Learn the lessons they teach. 

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Safe harbors

When did it change?
When did a worry free childhood cease to exist
and safety drills for active shooters begin?

Somewhere in between 
inclusion in a larger community, 
somewhere in between 
a safe harbor disappeared. 

A safe harbor where all are welcomed,
isolation does not exist. 
All are called to the table
because everyone belongs. 
Everyone is loved and
Lives lovingly.

Turn back the clocks, 
identify the when, 
change the direction,
become a safe harbor. 

I spent the morning being introduced to the ALICE safety protocol for an active shooter. I grieve for the loss of the worry free childhood. 


Friday, January 18, 2019

Dear deer

Pausing to see the beauty that greets me every morning
as I walk.

The light had not yet shone,
as I walked down the hill,
taking in the peaceful stillness that surrounded me.

Lifting my gaze farther down the hill,
I see the deer stopped in its tracks.
Then another jumps into view, 
and then 

I stop in my tracks to watch.
They begin to jump and prance across the front yard, 
at the bottom of the hill. 
The dog then sees them and wants to investigate.
I hold her off for a few minutes as we watch them dance across the snow covered yard
underneath the light of the streetlight,
and the stars above. 

As we approach, 
they head to the safety of the woods,
playfully, jumping, leaping across the fence and underbrush.

I am filled with gratitude
that this is my neighborhood,
on a quiet morning,
on a quiet street,
on a cold, snowy morning, 
hosting a play date for the deer, 
and I witnessed the beauty of what God created.

Thursday, January 17, 2019


Putting oneself 
in another's shoes
brings realization 
of what excites and inspires you,
may not excite and inspire others.
And that is going to have to be okay, for today, 
For tomorrow, I will ask a few questions 
and listen more. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Reset, refresh, renew

Are you still an ambassador?
The prompt
stopped me.
Am I? 

Yes, I am.
Still passionate about it, 
Use it every day.

So I had to pause,
refresh my knowledge, 
reset my vision, goals
And in doing so,
I became reenergized. 

And as I reflect on my significant moment, which had to do with a professional learning certification,
I thought of my continuing faith journey.  Am I an ambassador? Yes!  Time to spend some time in the classroom of silence and reflect. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Years ago it started,
with a book,
The Happiness of Pursuit.

A quest. 
 the yearly Oscar quest has begun 
to see all of the Oscar nominees
before the winners are announced. 
Ahead of the nominees announced, 
determining which ones to begin seeing. 

Initially, I embarked on this quest with a friend. 
Three years ago my family joined me on this quest.

Shared experiences, 
shared boxes of candy, 
lingering conversations, 
comparing year to year nominations
movies that spoke to our hearts, 
connections to our lives, 
our family, 
our shared history. 
Treasured gold.

The quest has begun, and for that I am grateful. 

Monday, January 14, 2019


Yet unexpected.
Snow blanketing the day,
a day of rest and relaxation.

Walking through the snow, 
marveling at the quiet stillness, 
the beauty of the blanket of the snow,
listening to my heart. 

Grateful for the gift of today, 
the gift of time, 
the gift of silence,
the gift of seeing the surrounding beauty of creation,
the gift of life.

Listening to my heart.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Big Picture

Give yourself over to it.
To the fact
that sometimes your thoughts
go in a million different directions.
Capture them, 
acknowledge them, 
then breath.
Breath again.
Connect the dots, 
if you can. 
Then see the big picture, 
then give yourself over to what is calling you now. 

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Time to play

Opening the front door, 
Still transitioning mentally from work to home
Smalls energetically greets me and leads/follows me into the kitchen, 
swats at the bell on the sliding glass door
until I open it. 
Bursting, running, barking, digging, 
Smalls is reveling in the freedom.
And when it is time to come in, 
she resists. 
Trudging out to retrieve her
she senses 
I am still mentally transitioning to the weekend.
Picking up the biggest stick, 
she looks at me
daring me to chase. 
And so it begins, 
a chase of joy.
Reminding me to let go
and play. 

Friday, January 11, 2019

A Tiny Voice

As I opened the car door for one of our youngest students, I heard 
"You don't always get a treat for behaving."
 a small voice incredulously asked
"You don't?" 

It was the sweetest moment to have witnessed
as the youngest was trying to negotiate 
the home-school connection. 

"You behave because it is the right thing to do." 
and as she exited the car, 
she excitedly ran into school. 

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Taking care

pouring down her face
with tiny gasps of air 

"What's wrong?"
unleashes more tears. 

Across the lunch room, 
big brother walks over
places hand on shoulder, 
lowers to her eye level, 
and kindly, gently nudges her to unleash her worries. 

Having laid her worries down
she was now ready 
for the remainder of the day.

The interaction between the siblings was a reminder of the power of listening for understanding and of having a support person. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Rays of light

Walking into the classroom
I noticed the second graders engrossed in their work, 
quietly coloring.

noticing the work before them, 
The Act of Contrition, 
I bent down and asked what they were learning. 

"The Act of Contrition" piped up one student.
"We have to memorize it" piped up the other.
I asked "Do you know it?"

I was delighted as two students, 
eager to demonstrate their learning, 
began to recite it, 
not once, 
but twice. 
Each time their faces shone a little bit brighter, 
as they basked in their faith. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2019


As we were getting the dog ready to go on our nightly gratitude walk, she casually stated "I think I have figured out my one word for the new year." 
Before Christmas, I had placed a copy of One Word That Will Change Your Life on her pillow. 
"Oh.  What have you decided on?" 
"That is a great word.  I had that as mine a few years ago."
"Should I change mine?" 
"No. One words are words that fit for that person right now.  Right now, balance fits you.  This year my one word is preparations." 
And with that we set out on our nightly gratitude walk, continuing our conversation.
Both of us taking steps in meeting, focusing, and embracing our one word. 
Grace finding balance between the demands of work and self-care,
And for me, 
mentally preparing as she is prepares to launch. 

Monday, January 7, 2019

Soup Sunday

The soup gathers us.

The soup is discussed at breakfast.
What's it going to be this week?
Ideas are offered, 
then decided.

List made, 
trip to store, 
ingredients gathered.

A continuing conversation while
Cover and cook.

Conversations continuing,
as the soup simmers,
occasionally stirring,
all influencing each other, 
bringing out the best in each other. 

Conversations continuing
as soup is ladled and brought to the table. 
This week the gathering is in the living room
as we sit knee to knee, watching the game. 
Grateful for the nourishment 
from the soup and 
our conversations. 

Cleaning up, 
conversations continuing, 
as the leftovers make their way into smaller containers for lunches.
Planning our daily nourishment.

Gathered together, 
our conversations
celebrate the many facets of the gift of Sundays.

Sunday, January 6, 2019


Reading compels me to consider the word ... aspire

Walking with purpose in the early morning darkness,
        a daily routine to set my intention, 
                 for the past 18 months, 

Thoughts interrupted and expanded.

Setting is casting, 
         casting an anchor into the sea of fast-moving currents,

The anchor bringing me back to the intention.

What is the intention calling me to accomplish?   
To aspire, 
        to notice, 
                    to return, 
                                to practice. 

Significant moments also calling me 
To aspire, 
        to notice, 
                    to return, 
                                 to practice mindfulness.

(This post was inspired by a reading selection from Mindful Teaching and Teaching Mindfulness A Guide For Anyone Who Teaches Anything by Deborah Schoeberlein) 


Previously I 


When casting my intention


Saturday, January 5, 2019

Friday Night Praise

An introduction
Time to praise, 
Time for prayer, 
Listening time. 

stand, sit, kneel, bow
Sing, reflect,

Being still at the end of the week. 

Breath slows, 
Thoughts slow, 

It is in the listening
comes understanding- 
       through songs 
            and reading, 
                   the spiritual whispers 
                         directed to my 

Another step in my day,
                    On my spiritual journey.
Continue to share with others. 

On the First Friday of each month, the church offers a Friday Night Praise program, which served as a significant moment.


Friday, January 4, 2019

Is this it?

Spent day searching
Is this it?
Is this the significant moment?

And in doing so
Not being truly present.
Too preoccupied with 
Is this it? 
Is this what I will write about? 

Process over product.
Present over future to do. 
Breathe and let go. 
There is a time for reflection,
And a time for being truly present. 
This is it. 

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Smaller than a moment

Even smaller than a moment
That served as a reminder
The significance of small moments.

She was temporarily lost in a daze, 
Patiently waiting.
Handing the lunch bag over the table
She straightened, 
A smile that can not be easily described, 
Yet a smile that left an imprint. 
Eyes reflecting joy.
Time to eat.

A switch, 
A reminder,
To be fed with small moments of joy.

I was on lunch duty and the student's reaction to receiving her hot lunch had me pause and think how grateful I am to be there.  I witnessed pure joy. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Inner leads outward

Inner voice
Rewrite the narrative. 
The story you tell yourself.
Starting from within-
The thoughts,
Revisit where they are leading you towards.
Envision where you want to be.
Chart a course, 
Starting with "You are here".
Inward changes, 
Changes mindset, 
Leading to subtle changes
In routines, habits, daily living,
A change in direction, 
Altering the course, 
Evidenced outwardly. 

This significant moment is a result of attending Daily Mass and ruminating on the Homily. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Significant Moments

For the past couple of years, I have been using the Prayer Process by Matthew Kelly.  Recently I have been reflecting on how to capture the impact of step 3, significant moments.  

Yesterday I listened to a podcast by Jon Gordon and James Clear in which James's book Atomic Habits was discussed.

A collision of ideas.  

2 minute rule

(Been challenging myself to change my bed time routine. 
I can do anything for 29 days. 
A month ago, I returned the cable box that was in my bedroom. 
No more watching television as I try to fall asleep. 
Now I have an additional tweak, as a result of listening to James.
I put the book that I am reading on my pillow case.)

Last night, after having stayed up to see the ball drop, 
I climbed into bed, 
my head hit the book, 
my hand reached for the book light, 
and I read.
A page of ideas digested
then time for sleep.

And as I awoke this morning, 
I realized that I could apply the 2 minute rule
to further capture significant moments. 
Carve 2 minutes from my morning routine to capture 
what I have spent time in prayer reflecting on.
What did I experience yesterday, and 
What might God be trying to tell me? 

Significant Moments meet Atomic Habits.

So for the next 29 days, 
I am going to blog about my significant moments 
And see where it takes me.