Thursday, March 28, 2019

Simple Things

It has been 15 months since undertaking the no clothes shopping challenge. 
As I result the only store that I regularly shop at is the grocery store. 
The other day I was running errands with my daughter.
On her list was hangars. 
I began rambling about how long it had been since I had been in TJ Maxx, 
talking animatedly 
about the fact that I was about to walk in the store 
that I had not made any purchases in for over a year
and how I was prepared not to buy anything. 
I was there as part of her errand. 
She turns to me and says "It's for hangars mom. Don't get excited."
And I had to burst out laughing.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I never heard of the no clothes shopping challenge. I think I need to look into it.
