Thursday, March 12, 2015


For kindergarteners today the big dilemma was how to wish someone a happy birthday a day early.

As we walked in the hallway, they asked if they could say happy birthday to Mrs. G. 

Of course.

Her birthday is tomorrow, they told me. 

And you get to see her the day before her birthday, I replied

Walking into the library, they exchanged good mornings with Mrs. G.  

One by one they went over,

A few started "Happy...."

And then they paused.

Today wasn't her birthday, so what do you say? 

One kindergartener thought....

"Happy Tomorrow Birthday!" 

With a gift of a giggle. 


  1. I love the line "with a gift of a giggle." May your days contain many such gifts! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Life through the eyes of a kindergartener is always so refreshing. I can almost hear the giggle!

  3. So cute! Out of the mouths of babes! Jennifer Sniadecki

  4. Problem solving at its finest! (WW Erin)
